
Terry Ferris

I came to the Durham Rescue Mission on April 14, 2007 and accepted the Lord in my life that following Sunday, April 15, 2007. I struggled to adapt at first, but then I entered the Victory Program and graduated in October of 2008. Things have not been the same since.
September 30, 2022
5:00PM to 8:30PM
Annual Fall Gala
September 13, 2022
10:00 AM
Victory Fall Graduation
November 24, 2022
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner
December 23, 2022
10:00AM to 1:00PM
Annual Christmas Dinner & Toy Give-Away

Terry Ferris

Victory Graduate/Works in Development Data Entry Office

“I came to the Durham Rescue Mission on April 14, 2007 and accepted the Lord in my life that following Sunday, April 15, 2007. I struggled to adapt at first, but then I entered the Victory Program and graduated in October of 2008. Things have not been the same since.”

Terry's Testimony

I can remember as a child growing up in a home with an alcoholic father — I’d think to myself that I’ll never be like that. I resented my father for taking away part of my life because I had to fulfill some of the things he should have been doing.

When I became of age, I got a good job as a custom picture framer and soon became a master craftsman. I was very close to my boss; I guess because he took the place of loving me like my father should have. I became very successful at what I was doing and made good money.

I’d already been drinking and drugging recreationally since high school, and now I had the means to do whatever I wanted. Unfortunately, I got into night clubs. My drinking and sinful lifestyle soon became more than I could handle. I maxed out credit cards, borrowed without paying back, and missed so much time from work; it wasn’t long before my world came tumbling down.

After losing my job, my license, and most of my friends, I fell into a state of depression that I remained in, on medication, for over 15 years. While in the state hospital at Butner, I met someone who had been to the Durham Rescue Mission, and he described the Victory Program to me. I said to myself that sounds just like what I need.

I came to the Durham Rescue Mission on April 14, 2007 and accepted the Lord in my life that following Sunday, April 15, 2007. I struggled to adapt at first, but then I entered the Victory Program and graduated in October of 2008. Things have not been the same since.

I now realize I was always focused on the wrong things in life. I was looking for satisfaction, and all I found was emptiness. That’s why I like the verse, Psalm 119:37: ‘Take away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.’ Now I have promise and the prospect for a bright future, and it’s all because of what the Lord has done and your generous support.

I now look to the Lord for guidance daily, and I suppose you could say I’ve gone from being a master craftsman to being in the Master’s hand, and I have all of you to thank. God bless you and remember there are others like me that need our help.

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