
Get Help

If you or someone you know needs safe shelter

How we help

get back on your feet

At the Durham Rescue Mission, we help those without homes find financial safety and independence once again by providing them with: 

  • Safe shelter
  • Three meals a day
  • Clean clothing
  • Biblical counseling
  • Financial planning
  • Vocational training
  • GED/education
  • Employment assistance 

Who we help

As many as we can

All prospective clients must be able to meet our few requirements: 

  • Must be able to provide a photo I.D. within 30 days of your acceptance into the DRM program
  • Must help out with chores around the Mission
  • Must be willing to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies established by the Durham Rescue Mission
  • Children up to 12 years of age (Must be accompanied by Mother)
  • No sex offenders of any type are allowed (pending, charged, registered and/or any other status)

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Our Programs

Shelter for Men

Our men’s program providing food, shelter, education, training, and other services to men without housing in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area.

Shelter for Women & Children

Our women and children’s shelter, known as the “Good Samaritan Inn,” provides food, shelter, and helps women and children without housing learn marketable skills they can use to find a decent paying job in the Triangle.

Victory Program

A 12-month recovery program designed to provide holistic restoration for addicted men and women. Through addiction counseling and other related programs, participants will be able to return to the workforce and become a contributing member of society once again.

Operation Warm & cold Shelter

An emergency program that provides safe shelter during severe weather conditions.

Our staff canvases the streets, offering food and drinks to homeless individuals, warning them of the coming weather conditions. They are then offered free transportation to our men’s and women’s shelters.

Follow DRM on Social Media

Stay informed of opportunities to help, learn about upcoming DRM events, and follow our efforts to help the local community!

Prospective Client
Check-In Information

Men & Women

For Mothers with Children