
Programs & Services for the Homeless in Durham, Raleigh & Chapel Hill

Since 1974, the Durham Rescue Mission has provided for hundreds of broken men, women and children of Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh, offering a solution to homelessness and addiction that goes beyond just meeting basic needs.Computer-lab

With approximately 2,000 individuals in the Triangle on the street on any given night, it’s important that our Durham, NC urban rescue mission not only provides temporary assistance to the homeless, but truly gets to the root of the problems that lead to these broken lifestyles in the first place.

At the Durham Rescue Mission, we are committed to restoring the whole person through a Christian approach that helps the homeless learn how much God loves them, and gain the Biblical insight they need to lead a productive life in and for Christ. We believe this is the most effective way to treat the homelessness problem in our local area.

Learn more about the programs and services at our Christian homeless shelter below:

Homeless Shelter for Men

Men’s Division
1201 East Main St.
Durham, NC 27701

The Durham Rescue Mission provides food, shelter and other programs and services to the homeless men of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill through our men’s program.

By offering safe shelter, three meals a day, clean clothing, Biblical counseling, financial planning, vocational training, GED/education and employment assistance, we’ve helped mend the shattered lives of many homeless men since opening in 1974.

We have approximately 267 beds available, with a max of 312 beds including mats for emergency situations and currently house an average of 270 men a night.

Prospective Client Check-In Information

  1. Photo ID Required (State/ Out of State/ DOC) – if photo ID is not available, clients are required to have a printout of a police/sheriff’s criminal history report.
  2. Help out with chores around the Mission.
  3. No sex offender of any type (pending, charged, registered and/or any other sex related offenses) will be permitted to check in.
  4. Must be willing to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies established by the Durham Rescue Mission.
  5. The following will be provided – shelter, food, clothing, and biblical counseling.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance at our men’s shelter in Durham, NC, please call 919-688-9641 ext. 5034.

Homeless Shelter for Women & Mothers with Children

GSIGood Samaritan Inn
507 East Knox St.
Durham, NC 27701

At the Durham Rescue Mission, we offer safe shelter, three meals a day, clean clothing, Biblical counseling, financial planning, vocational training, GED/education and employment assistance to help the homeless in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area get back on their feet.

Our women and children’s shelter, known as the “Good Samaritan Inn,” has helped many homeless, addicted and otherwise hurting women and children learn marketable skills they can use to find a decent paying job in the Triangle that will help them provide for their children.

We currently house an average of 130 women and children a night.

Prospective Client Check-In Information

  1. Photo ID Required (State/Out of State/DOC) – if photo ID is not available, clients are required to have a printout of a police/sheriff’s criminal history report.
  2. Help out with chores around the Mission.
  3. Must be willing to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies established by the Durham Rescue Mission.
  4. No sex offender of any type (pending, charged, registered and/or any other sex related offenses) will be permitted to check in.
  5. The following will be provided – shelter, food, clothing, and biblical counseling.
  6. Children up to 12 years of age.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance at our homeless shelter for women and children in Durham, NC, please call 919-688-9641 ext. 5080.

The Victory Program

The Victory Program is the Durham Rescue Mission’s 12-month recovery program designed to provide holistic restoration for addicted men and women. Through addiction counseling and other related programs, participants will be able to return to the workforce and become a contributing member of society once again.

Learn more about our addiction recovery program in the Raleigh-Durham area.

Operation Warm & Cold Shelter: Providing Safe Shelter in Severe Weather

20121128_gc_771Although the Triangle area experiences fairly mild weather overall, temperatures can drop significantly in the wintertime or reach dangerous highs in the summer.

Our winter weather can see considerable snow and other types of severe weather, such as ice, causing power outages in our area. For those on the streets of the Triangle, this type weather brings the threat of hypothermia, frostbite – even death.

North Carolina summers may bring high temperatures with high humidity, causing another type of threat for the many homeless individuals on the street. These conditions can lead to hyperthermia, heat exhaustion — even death.

During these times, the Durham Rescue Mission launches “Operation Warm Shelter” for winter weather and “Operation Cool Shelter” for Summertime:

  • Our staff canvases the streets of the Triangle, offering coffee and donuts to the homeless, as they warn them of the dangerous weather conditions. Then they offer free transportation to our men’s and women’s shelters
  • A white flag will be flying to let the homeless know that impending severe weather is forecasted and as an invitation to come in for safe shelter.

If you or someone you know needs safe shelter in the Raleigh-Durham area, please call 919-688-9641 ext. 5034.

Prospective Client
Check-In Information

Men & Women

For Mothers with Children