
Imagine for a moment an old, stately home, beautifully restored…

You know at some point, someone had to see its potential — in spite of exterior decay. They had to have a vision, and the end result is stunning.

That’s similar to what happens at the Durham Rescue Mission every day.

Of course, we’re dealing with something much more precious than architecture. We’re working to restore the lives of those who are homeless in our community — people made in God’s very image, who very nearly lost all hope . . .

The restoration that is taking place in the lives of many here at the Durham Rescue Mission is only possible through the generous support of caring friends like you.

Today I urge you to please send a special contribution of whatever is right for you to our Operation Restoration Campaign. Your continued support will help a homeless or addicted person in the Triangle strip away the hurt and the shame . . . and be restored in hope and dignity to the whole person God intended.

Please take a moment now to send your tax-deductible gift. Thank you, and God bless you!


Dr. Ernie C. Mills, CEO

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