
Operation Rescue Warm Shelter – OPEN

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  • Operation Rescue Warm Shelter – OPEN

September 30, 2022

5:00PM to 8:30PM

Annual Fall Gala

September 13, 2022

10:00 AM

Victory Fall Graduation

November 24, 2022

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner

December 23, 2022

10:00AM to 1:00PM

Annual Christmas Dinner & Toy Give-Away

Operation Rescue Warm Shelter – OPEN

Operation RESCUE Warm Shelter
Do the incoming extreme weather being called for by all weather outlets in our area, we will continue Operation Warm Shelter until temperatures rise. We will be sending out a team on Wednesday, January 3rd at 1:00 to spread the word to the remaining homeless sleeping outside about the dangers of being out in temperatures this cold. If you know of someone who is without heat or sleeping outside, please inform them we have a warm place for them to stay. Hot soup is on the stove 24 hours a day until this cold spell ends.

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