
A Special Message from our CEO/Co-founder

Mills-Ernie_200x250It has been heartbreaking for Gail and me to see our fellow Americans suffering through the overwhelming flooding and destruction of Hurricane Harvey.  Like others, we have been glued to all media and social outlets trying to get a full understanding of what is going on in Texas.

As always during times of need, it is heartwarming to see Americans pulling together to help one another.  We are so proud of our home state, North Carolina, for sending help to the flood ravaged state of Texas and we hope all of us as North Carolinians will do even more!

During the coming months, there will be a lot of good work done by many nonprofits such as Samaritan’s Purse and others.  People all across our country will open their hearts and wallets to try to relieve some of the suffering for Texans.

However, there are some scoundrels who will try to take advantage of the kindnesses of caring people and benefit themselves from the suffering of others.  Unfortunately, it always happens, so before you give, we would strongly encourage everyone to check Charity Navigator, the largest evaluator of charities in the United States, and GuideStar before making a donation to any organizations to ensure your generous gifts are really going to help those in need.

Dr. Ernie Mills
Durham Rescue Mission

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