
Dinner for 4 – The Best Deal in the Triangle!

It seems to get worse every year. The Durham Rescue Mission will soon face an overflow crowd of homeless and hungry men, women and children for the Thanksgiving season. Two out of every three homeless people in the Triangle turn to us for help.

So I’m asking you to do something powerful . . .

Feed them.

We just launched our Dinner for 4 Campaign to raise $230,000 in the next 30 days. Your support will help ensure we can feed everyone who walks through our doors.

While we can’t predict their backgrounds or stories, we know for certain they will come. And when they do, we must be prepared to help them however we can.

It costs only $8.20 to provide a table of four people each with their own Thanksgiving meal at the Mission. (If you’re doing the math, that’s just $2.05 per meal—dramatically cheaper than equivalent meals from a typical grocery store.)

Your generous financial support will help struggling neighbors . . . on the streets . . . looking for a reason for hope in their lives. Friends like you can have an immeasurable impact on them. You can give them a future.

Please be a part of the solution. Help us feed as many people this Thanksgiving season as you can by supporting our Dinner for 4 Campaign. And know that you are making a profound, life-changing difference for those who have nowhere else to turn.

Dr. Ernie Mills
CEO & Founder

Did you know? Many families were only a missed paycheck away from disaster . . . and when layoffs, medical emergencies, broken cars, or other financial crises came, it left them destitute. Please help us feed them. Support our Dinner for 4 Campaign with your generous donation right away . . . and no later than September 30th, please.

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Men & Women

For Mothers with Children