
Make an Investment to Transform Lives

Counting the Cost InfographicYou make a profound difference for local homeless men, women, and children when you invest in the Durham Rescue Mission.  Your faithfulness has been a powerful investment in their lives.

We treat the whole person here—addressing not only the practical needs of food and shelter, but more importantly, the root issues of homelessness, which are often spiritual.  (That way people receive the resources they need, and with God’s help, get off the streets permanently.)

In 2015, Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities, rated the Durham Rescue Mission #1 in NC, SC, GA, TN, and VA on how efficiently we use your investment.  And, as a Christian nonprofit, we’re 100% committed to stretching your donations beyond what you would ever think possible.

Thanks to you, we’re able to provide…

  • Complete, nourishing meal at the Mission for only $2.05.  Even most fast food “value meals” are over $5.00.
  • A night of shelter for only $16.73. Compare that to over $75 per night for a cheap motel or over $85 per day at prison.
  • Gently worn clothes for pennies on the dollar of what they’d cost at value or department stores.
  • Other life-transforming resources such as counseling, GED classes, work programs, addiction recovery classes and more…all provided for a fraction of what they’d normally cost.

Yes, your support makes all of this possible!  That’s why I hope you will continue your faithful prayers and support for our work today.


Dr. Ernie C. Mills, CEO

Prospective Client
Check-In Information

Men & Women

For Mothers with Children